All Aboard– The Hour of Renewable in Indian Country– is here.

Your Entire Life is played back in time. The thing that you will be remembered for– What did you accomplish? Money? Power? Fame? What? What are you looking for? Did you accomplish your purpose? Know your purpose, set you goal and run your race.

ClearRock Sustainable Energy goal is to Build Economic Development in Indigenous lands– that’s a dream most tribal leaders have– that’s what makes me tick!!– that’s what I was born to do.

When I see the lights are turned off in native communities for the power is to expensive or have none, and water poison. When I see children of native folks in bare feet walking to school with no food to eat. Schools housed in sweat boxes where kids can’t think. When I wonder what has that United States trust relationship done to disease the fresh water ponds where they draw water from. When I see alienation by federal, state and local government of the plight next door– on their doorsteps!!. I have had the opportunity to visit many tribal communities in this life. From Pomo to the Shinnecocks, Apaches to Iroquois, Oneida to Navajo and up Spokane to name a few. I ask– What can I do?

I wonder if this is a sin for America to hold its head high, while the land my brother walk upon has no remediation of soil or the water is polluted or the countless other look away’s. Am I my brothers keeper? the answer is Yes folks. You are the Keeper of your Brother– If he hurts, so will you at some point. Take your blanket wrap it around him and her to make sure they are warm from the cold. Use your talents and skills to help and not ignore the need of many tribal communities in your state or county.

We can fix most issues related to segregation of society by capital. I asked this friend of mines who runs this smart Institute near the beach in LA years ago. How can they raise capital? short of land swap, not much. Deal structure is the best outcome for tribal communities. They have to participate in Equity positioning. NO If’s and’s or but’s– That’s a no fly zone with most tribes if they cannot participate in Equity. Come let us reason together.

Renewable energy is a firm space Native Tribes and First Nations can substantially utilize, to change the equation in the USA and Canada with respect to funds needed to run a tribal nation or First Nation government correctly. These are governments folks!!– actual bonafide treaty governments. I believe so– Tribes can change the value added to the grid by restoring hope to the needs of their community. Buy Indian Renewable Energy–give Indian renewable projects a better deal with PPA’s..

Every Tribal Leader takes notice– this is good for all– especially when they work with stakeholders within these communities.

Everybody complained about tribal casinos– from gangster stories to prostitution to pretty much anti-christ stuff– none of that came to be with tribal gaming projects. Some tribes are in good locations-others lack good location and have to implement other economic development and challenges that come with it.

It took one guy from Malaysia who saw the Opportunity, to hand over a small check to a local pipe-fitter who ran a small bingo operation to engage a market full of potential. The tribe– Pequot, the location Connecticut. the largest casino on planet earth. I stopped counting after 6500 slot machines. You know it as Foxwoods. The man, Skip Harward, the partner, Genting. Some tribes are strategically located to the grid with states that have not fulfilled their RPS. Some corporate customers have locations that need renewable to fill their mandates. Some states have mandates to renewable. I ask the Federal Government the other day– You have treaty arrangements with tribes to Buy Indian Act the power– answer to the question is, I’m not sure I have to check. I said Really? You agreed, to a Treaty, Why not buy the power? I’ll get back to you some time in the near future about the question says the federal rep. I have to get Trump to answer that one directly.

We endure a new journey– because that’s what it is– as much as we can in one lifetime. We have to change the trajectory for ALL to achieve their god given opportunity to better their people. From ocean to ocean from the winter snow to desert lands– earth, wind and sun!!. Tribes exist among you—We we’re sent to make the world a better place.

ClearRock Sustainable Energy, Inc is on a journey to Build/Design 1Gw Renewable energy a year from Indian land. We have started that journey and will continue to do so. Join us– the train is about to leave the station again.– Only difference is, this one is much larger.